Accounting: further study
Here are some useful links to learn more about bookkeeping, accounting and finance in general, beyond the Accounting basics for PTA users.
- Wikipedia: Accounting, Bookkeeping, Double-entry bookkeeping system, General journal etc.
- Accounting For Dragons why you should know accounting
- Cliffs Notes: Accounting Principles I, Accounting Principles II
- Bean Counter - tutorials, such as So, you want to learn Bookkeeping!. This has been recommended on the ledger list and on HN.
- Accounting Coach
- Accounting Basics
- Guru 99 Accounting Tutorials
- Double Entry Bookkeeping discussion by software developers at the WikiWikiWeb
- Winning Financially is Simple and other good episodes from the YNAB Podcast
- Back to the Stone Age: Low-Tech Expense Tracking Get Rich Slowly
- Track Every Penny You Spend Get Rich Slowly
- I’ve Tracked My Expenses — Now What? Get Rich Slowly
- A Slow-Tech Approach to Tracking Spending
- Your Financial Network Map
- The Accountancy Model and The Accountancy Model Examples - two free books by Tim Riley
- Gnucash and double entry accounting - double entry accounting introduction with examples
- Accounting for Computer Scientists
- Tutorial on multiple currency accounting by Peter Selinger
- Financial Statements: A Beginner's Guide
- Finances 2: Guide nice PTA-applicable intro from this mac/iphone app. Recommended.
- Solarpunk
- Accounting course by Prof. Krug 2011
- Khan Academy: Accounting and financial statements
- Tea Leaves' Double-Entry Bookkeeping and Counting Like It's 1479 playlists. Warning, these are not in good didactic order, so pick and choose. Eg :
- Algebraic Models for Accounting Systems - recommended on twitter
- On Double-Entry Bookkeeping: The Mathematical Treatment David Ellerman 2014,
- Momentum accounting and triple-entry bookkeeping
- Essence of Accounting "A logical description of the record to report process: accounting, reporting, auditing, analysis", Charles Hoffman 2020
- History of Accounting, Wikipedia
- From accounting to negative numbers: A signal contribution of medieval India to mathematics, Accounting Historians Journal 1998
- The Vanished Grandeur of Accounting & discussion, Boston Globe
- How the world's first accountants counted on cuneiform, BBC News
- The Significance of Ancient Mesopotamia in Accounting History
- Mesopotamian Tablet Collection, Spurlock Museum
- Ledger Art
- Etymological observations on some accounting terms