
There are lots of ways to use hledger; here is an overview. Of course you can mix and match these. Also remember always to back up your files regularly to safeguard your data.

Basic workflows

Command line

At a terminal prompt, run hledger add and follow the interactive prompts to enter transactions. It will store data in its default location. Run hledger to list commands to try. Eg, run hledger bs to see your account balances (a balance sheet), and hledger is to see your income and expenses (an income statement).

Tutorial: hledger basics describes this process, and hledger's basic concepts and file format, step by step. You might want to skim through this one even if you don't plan to use hledger add.

Web UI

This is the easiest hledger workflow, if it works for you:

Download and run hledger-web, eg by double-clicking on it. It should open in your web browser. Use the add form to add transactions. It will store data in its default location. (So you'll see your transactions next time you run it.)

Tutorial: hledger-web describes this in more detail.

Terminal UI

Use hledger add once to create a journal file with an opening balances transaction. Now run hledger-ui to view account balances. Use the onscreen help to get around and discover the controls. Eg, press a to add new transactions.

Tutorial: hledger-ui describes this setup in more detail.

Text editor

Open your preferred text editor and create a journal file, either .hledger.journal in your home directory, or somewhere else like ~/finance/2023.journal (and set the LEDGER_FILE environment variable). Create transactions by hand using journal file format. Once you have a few, you can copy/paste them to make more. When you want more assistance, set up an editor mode. Here's an example:

; $HOME/.hledger.journal

2020-01-01 opening balances
    assets:checking         $1234

2020-03-15 client payment
    assets:checking         $2000

2020-03-20 Sprouts
    expenses:food:groceries  $100
    assets:cash               $40

Run hledger in a terminal to see reports, as in the Command line workflow. Eg:

$ hledger bs
Balance Sheet 2020-03-20

             || 2020-03-20 
 Assets      ||            
 assets      ||      $3134 
   cash      ||        $40 
   checking  ||      $3094 
             ||      $3134 
 Liabilities ||            
 Net:        ||      $3134 

$ hledger is -M
Income Statement 2020-01-01-2020-03-20

                         || Jan  Feb    Mar 
 Revenues                ||                 
 income:consulting       ||   0    0  $2000 
                         ||   0    0  $2000 
 Expenses                ||                 
 expenses:food:groceries ||   0    0   $100 
                         ||   0    0   $100 
 Net:                    ||   0    0  $1900 

CSV import

Download CSV files from banks and financial institutions, manually or using tools/services that automate this (ledger_autosync, Plaid, plaid2qif, Tiller etc.) Use hledger's import command to convert and import the new transactions, and use any of the hledger UIs to see reports.

Tutorial: Import CSV data is a quick tutorial on the importing from CSV part. Some downloading helpers can be found at (search for "download").

More advanced workflows


Full-fledged hledger


  • Andreas Pauley's hledger-flow, a tool implementing a variant of the above

