Old mockups, draft docs and notes exploring possible future features. See also
Ease of getting started
What could make getting started substantially easier ?
- Official CI-generated binaries for all major platforms
- Builtin access to docs in web format
Web docs
Provide the embedded user manuals as HTML also. Eg:
- hledger help --html # temporary static html files
- hledger help --web # serve from local hledger-web instance if installed
- hledger help --site # on
- hledger-ui ? h/w/s # same as above
- hledger-web -> help # served from hledger-web
Config file
Name: hledger.conf (and possibly ~/.hledger.conf as well).
- easy to say and spell
- good highlighting support in editors
Format: toml/ini-ish format, but customised for our needs (if necessary).
# hledger.conf
# Set options/arguments to be always used with hledger commands.
# Each line is: HLEDGERCMD ARGS, or: hledger ARGS
hledger -f hledger.journal
bal -M --flat -b lastmonth
ui --watch
web -V
help --html
# Define aliases for custom hledger commands.
assets = bal -M ^assets\b
liab = bal -M ^liabilities\b
# Or use colon, like make ?
bs2: bs --no-total date:thisyear
# Or just whitespace, like hledger csv rules ?
smui ui ^sm\b
# Allow arbitrary shell commands ?
2019: hledger -f 2019.journal
jstatus: git status -sb -- *.journal
# Allow multi-command shell scripts, with optional help string ?
"Show monthly balance sheet and income statement"
hledger bs -M
hledger is -M
- at startup and ideally:
- hledger-web: on each page load if changed, like journals
- hledger-ui --watch: on change, like journals
Search a number of locations in order. Values from multiple files are combined, with later files taking precedence.
User config file: should it be "modern" ~/.config/hledger.conf or "old/simple" ~/.hledger.conf ? One or the other may be preferred/easier/more portable. If we support both, should it be one or the other, or both ?
Parent directory config files: we'd probably like to recognise config files in parent directories. How far up should we look - to the root dir ? to the user's home dir ? and if not under the user's home dir, don't look up at all ? to the nearest VCS working directory root ?
This would be the simplest comprehensive scheme: use all of
- ~/.config/hledger.conf
- ~/.hledger.conf
- hledger.conf in all directories from / down to the current directory
Eg: running hledger in /home/simon/project/finance would combine any of the following which exist:
- ~/.config/hledger.conf
- ~/.hledger.conf
- /hledger.conf
- /home/hledger.conf
- /home/simon/hledger.conf
- /home/simon/project/hledger.conf
- /home/simon/project/finance/hledger.conf