Foreign trip expenses

From :

  1. Before going to vacation to Europe, I borrowed 350 EUR, cash.
  2. I also took out of ATM 200 EUR, cash - now I know the price.
  3. I spent 500 EUR in trip, and I have 50 left.
  4. Now, after the trip, I exchanged some of my home currency to 300 EUR to give it back - and it's the different price from step two. So how do I write all this down?

My attempt follows. Notes:

  • When transactions occur on such trips, I sometimes know the USD amount spent, and sometimes the EUR amount. I sometimes know the total converted amount, and sometimes the conversion rate. I record whichever of these is more convenient.
  • After the trip, when reviewing expenses, I'll add a P market price directive covering the period of the trip, and use -V to see all expenses in home currency (USD).
; a hledger example based on colindean's ; hledger doesn't currently support the {} syntax, just @ or @@ 2018-10-25 * vacation loan Liabilities:Loans:Vacation Assets:Cash 350 EUR 2018-10-26 * ATM withdrawal Assets:Cash 200 EUR @@ 220 USD ; conversion price written out for clarity; redundant due to -225 USD below Expenses:Fees:CurrencyConversion 5 USD Assets:Bank -225 USD 2018-10-27 * food Assets:Cash -190 EUR Expenses:Vacation:Food 2018-10-27 * hotel Assets:Cash -310 EUR = 50 EUR ; assert that Cash's EUR balance is now 50 Expenses:Vacation:Hotel 2018-10-28 * withdraw more euros to repay loan Assets:Cash 300 EUR @@ 360 USD ; conversion rate has gone up to 1.20 Expenses:Fees:CurrencyConversion 5 USD Assets:Bank -365 USD 2018-10-28 * repay vacation loan Liabilities:Loans:Vacation 350 EUR = 0 EUR ; assert that euro loan is repaid Assets:Cash ; Conversion rate to use in reports for the trip period. ; You could declare each time it changed, eg: ; P 2018-10-25 EUR 1.10 USD ; P 2018-10-28 EUR 1.20 USD ; but hledger currently picks just one, ; and for expense reporting a rough average price is usually fine: P 2018-10-25 EUR 1.15 USD

Here are a few different reports, for comparison:

Simple balance change report for all accounts. --flat and -Y help ensure a readable tabular layout here.

$ hledger bal --flat -Y Balance changes in 2018: || 2018 ==================================++====================== Assets:Bank || -590.00 USD Expenses:Fees:CurrencyConversion || 10.00 USD Expenses:Vacation:Food || 190 EUR Expenses:Vacation:Hotel || 310 EUR ----------------------------------++---------------------- || 500 EUR, -580.00 USD

Adding the -B/--cost flag converts transaction amounts to the other commodity in the transaction, using the conversion rate specified in the transaction if any. This typically helps collapse the grand total to one commodity, so we can see it is zero here (expected, since we're showing all accounts).

$ hledger bal --flat -Y -B Balance changes in 2018: || 2018 ==================================++====================== Assets:Bank || -590.00 USD Assets:Cash || -500 EUR, 580.00 USD Expenses:Fees:CurrencyConversion || 10.00 USD Expenses:Vacation:Food || 190 EUR Expenses:Vacation:Hotel || 310 EUR ----------------------------------++---------------------- || 0

Adding the -V/--value flag instead converts report amounts using the market price effective on the reporting date (hledger prices and date can help identify that). The grand total of -5 USD here corresponds to our capital loss due to change in exchange rate (the price of a euro went from $1.10 to $1.20 while we still owed some):

$ hledger prices P 2018-10-25 EUR 1.15 USD $ date Fri Oct 26 15:03:00 PDT 2018 $ hledger bal --flat -Y -V Balance changes in 2018: || 2018 ==================================++============= Assets:Bank || -590.00 USD Expenses:Fees:CurrencyConversion || 10.00 USD Expenses:Vacation:Food || 218.50 USD Expenses:Vacation:Hotel || 356.50 USD ----------------------------------++------------- || -5.00 USD

The "exp" account query is added to show just the expenses. Now we can see their total.

$ hledger bal --flat -Y -V exp Balance changes in 2018: || 2018 ==================================++============ Expenses:Fees:CurrencyConversion || 10.00 USD Expenses:Vacation:Food || 218.50 USD Expenses:Vacation:Hotel || 356.50 USD ----------------------------------++------------ || 585.00 USD

Or you might use the is/incomestatement command which is specialised for income/expense reporting. It's tabular and flat by default.

$ hledger is -V Income Statement 2018/10/25-2018/10/28 || 2018/10/25-2018/10/28 ==================================++======================= Revenues || ----------------------------------++----------------------- ----------------------------------++----------------------- || ==================================++======================= Expenses || ----------------------------------++----------------------- Expenses:Fees:CurrencyConversion || 10.00 USD Expenses:Vacation:Food || 218.50 USD Expenses:Vacation:Hotel || 356.50 USD ----------------------------------++----------------------- || 585.00 USD ==================================++======================= Net: || -585.00 USD