Tutorial: Import CSV data
hledger has a powerful CSV converter built in. After saving a few declarations in a "CSV rules file", it can read transactions from almost any CSV file. This is described in detail in the hledger manual, but here are some quick examples.
Say you have downloaded this checking.csv
file from a bank for the first time:
"2012/3/23","TRANSFER TO SAVINGS","-10.00"
Create a rules file named checking.csv.rules
in the same directory.
This tells hledger how to read this CSV file. Eg:
# skip the headings line:
skip 1
# use the first three CSV fields for hledger's transaction date, description and amount:
fields date, description, amount
# specify the date field's format - not needed here since date is Y/M/D
# date-format %-d/%-m/%Y
# date-format %-m/%-d/%Y
# date-format %Y-%h-%d
# since the CSV amounts have no currency symbol, add one:
currency $
# set the base account that this CSV file corresponds to
account1 assets:bank:checking
# the other account will default to expenses:unknown or income:unknown;
# we can optionally refine it by matching patterns in the CSV record:
account2 assets:bank:savings
account2 expenses:food
You can print the resulting transactions in any of hledger's output formats:
$ hledger -f checking.csv print
2012-03-22 DEPOSIT
assets:bank:checking $50.00
income:unknown $-50.00
assets:bank:checking $-10.00
assets:bank:savings $10.00
Or run reports directly from the CSV:
$ hledger -f checking.csv bal
$40.00 assets:bank:checking
$10.00 assets:bank:savings
$-50.00 income:unknown
Or import any new transactions, saving them into your main journal:
$ hledger import checking.csv --dry-run
; would import 2 new transactions from checking.csv:
2012-03-22 DEPOSIT
assets:bank:checking $50.00
income:unknown $-50.00
assets:bank:checking $-10.00
assets:bank:savings $10.00
$ hledger import checking.csv
imported 2 new transactions from checking.csv
hledger import ignores transactions it has seen before, so it's safe
to run it repeatedly. (It creates a hidden .latest.checking.csv
in the same directory. If you need to forget the state and start over,
delete this.)
Customize the default "unknown" accounts
When converting CSV, hledger uses the account names income:unknown
and expenses:unknown
as defaults. Normally when you see these, you
will want to add CSV rules to set a more specific account name.
But you may want to change these defaults, eg into your language.
Method 1: You can add rules something like these, as the first account2 rules:
# set account2 to this:
account2 Revenues:Misc
# change it to Expenses:Misc if the csv "amount" field contains a minus sign:
if %amount -
account2 Expenses:Misc
# override it with more specific rules below...
Method 2: You can use --alias options to rewrite those account names. With hledger 1.20+:
$ hledger -f checking.csv --alias income:unknown=Income:Misc --alias expenses:unknown=Expenses:Misc print
2012-03-22 DEPOSIT
assets:bank:checking $50.00
Income:Misc $-50.00
assets:bank:checking $-10.00
assets:bank:savings $10.00
(Before hledger 1.20, --alias only worked with journal format so you had to pipe it like this:)
$ hledger -f checking.csv print | hledger -f- --alias income:unknown=Income:Misc --alias expenses:unknown=Expenses:Misc print
See also
Full documentation of CSV conversion, and more rules examples, can be found in the hledger manual.
A collection of CSV rules can be found in examples/csv/ in the main hledger repository. There is also a Makefile to help manage and import multiple CSV files. I keep journals, csv files and csv rules in one finance directory; the makefile moves downloaded csv files there and imports them. The procedure could be:
- In browser: download one or more CSVs manually
- In terminal:
make -C ~/finance Import
There are many other CSV conversion tools (nine CSV->*ledger tools at last count), linked at plaintextaccounting.org -> data import/conversion.